Sponsor Pledge
Application Form


Selection method

The first selection

We set a test meeting place in a main city and interview, writing test.

(1) A documents examination,a writing test and an oral examination,are performed and students are selected by overall judgement.
(2) selection cost:nothing
(3) Something to bring at the time of a test

  • the I.D for the student person himself,the original of a city of the family register and of family registry books,the deploma original which refers to the last educational bakground and copy of family registry book.
  • One of photograph(3cm×4cm)

(4)the subject of examination
japanese language,english language,mathematics,composition

The second selection


I announce the selection

The end of August and the case when entrance in January announce it at the end of Febrary in April, and become expected to announce in the end of may and the case when entrance is in october to annoance in the end of Nobember and, well inform an agency system or the person himself of the results by way of the mail notice from this academy and telephone notice.

